oro Concierge
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text speak - Speak the language:
- abt: About
- asap : As soon as possible
- aqap: As quick (or quiet) as possible
- b4: Before
- b4n: Bye for now
- b8: Bait
- bff: Best friend forever
- brb: Be right back
- btw: By the way
- c: See
- cm: Call me
- cyl: See you later
- cus: Because
- diku: Do I know you?
- dl or d/l: Download
- dqmot: Don't quote me on this
- 2: To or Too
- 2nite: Tonight
- 4: For
- 411: Information
- 4evr: Forever
- e1: Everyone
- ez: Easy
- fyeo: For your eyes only
- fyi: For your information
- goi: Get over it
- gr8: Great
- gtg or g2g: Got to go
- hagn: Have a good night
- hago: Have a good one
- hand: Have a nice day
- hr8: Heart
- ic: I see
- idk: I don't know
- idc: I don't care
- ily: I love you
- jic: Just in case
- jk: Just kidding
- jlmk: Just let me know
- jmo: Just my opinion
- jp: Just playing
- k or kk: Okay